Saturday, April 2, 2005

Doubt can be a gift from God

Sermon on John 20:19-31 by Luke Bouman
"I have come to know that doubt and faith are not opposites. Some have suggested that the opposite of faith in God is not doubt, but faith in someone or something else. I have come to know, through the writings of James Fowler (Stages of Faith) and others that doubt often comes as a catalyst to deeper faith. Walt Wangerin Jr. suggests that faith is a verb (faithing, he calls it) and doubt is a part of the faithing process. What I do know is that times in my life that I have come to know God in a deeper way have always come through periods of questioning what I assumed I knew, which leads to an openness to new aspects of my relationship with God. Rather than resisting doubt, I have come to welcome it as a companion on my faith journey."

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