Even more than the response of those who hear the call, I think this week is marked by the consequences: from John the Baptist to the Ninevehites to Zebedee, lives change.
Thoughts on this weeks text from a neo-traditional Pentecostal mystic. In these pages you will find a pentecostal perspective, a concern for the interplay of RCL readings, and attempts to contextualize the text for intergenerational family ministry. I will also post poetry and artwork I find meaningful in my meditation for Sunday.
Even more than the response of those who hear the call, I think this week is marked by the consequences: from John the Baptist to the Ninevehites to Zebedee, lives change.
Christopher C Hooton
Friday, January 20, 2006
RCL/Categories: Year B
I will make you become fishers of men. Become only appears in Mark’s Gospel.
Becoming indicates the change brought by discipleship. Mark consistently portrays the region of Galilee as the place for discipleship.
Christopher C Hooton
Thursday, January 19, 2006
RCL/Categories: Year B
Last week we heard the calling voice of God. This week we see how people respond and how we are to respond.
The people of Nineveh, to Jonah’s dismay, set to the work of repentance. Fasting, sackcloth and ashes were a symbol of their inward conviction. It amazes me that they listened to Jonah as much as it amazed him. He knew God would be gracious and if they heard his voice of power and authority they might answer the call.
The psalmist gives us a prayer of trust in him. As we hear the voice of God we can trust him and turn to him.
Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us. Selah
Jesus calls Simon, Andrew, James and John. In Mark especially there is no deliberation, we don’t even know if they know this guy. They just get up and follow. They hear the Voice of God, the voice of authority and they respond instantly.
Paul calls us to an attitude of detachment. We must live as those called, those who know the time is near.
Christopher C Hooton
Sunday, January 15, 2006
RCL/Categories: Year B