Thursday, March 31, 2005

Other tracks (Easter A2)

In talking with the other guys today, I found it interesting where they were focusing. Their discussion on the gospel focused on Jesus saying "Peace be with you." What does peace mean? In our world, our church culture, how can we preach peace? How does this relate to our power to forgive?

How did the father send Jesus? What does it mean for us to be sent? Here is John's version of the great commission.

Art has his sermon title as "Welcome Holy Spirit" I thought at first he was off lectionary this week. But there it is in the gospel "And with that he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit." John's allusion to Pentecost is of interest for we Pentecostals, it's still a ways off - Pentecost... John doesn't concern himself with the time laps. This highlights our distinctive, as we believe the filling of the spirit to be a separate event from the receiving of the spirit at salvation.

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