Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Different from last year?

It is interesting that the gospel text for this week is the same every year. How are the years different in feel? Last year Peter was giving his witness to the Jewish ruling council and declaring that he could not stop preaching. Jesus is described as the faithful witness and returning firstborn from the dead, alpha and omega, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty. The Psalmist rejoices in the cornerstone that allows him to "live and not die."

It seems if the focus this year is on seeing, last year it was on bearing the witness. How will you preach it differently? Last year I used a monolog from Thomas' view point as if he were a sceptical Tom Brokaw. Since our low liturgy doesn't usually use more than one reading, I'm thinking about using 1 Peter this year.

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