Another interesting text for Father's day, and interestingly enough the Gospel of Thomas shed some light on this for me.
Jesus said, "Whoever does not hate his father and his mother as I do cannot become a disciple to Me. And whoever does not love his father and his mother as I do cannot become a disciple to Me. For My mother gave me falsehood, but My true Mother gave me life." (italics mine)
OK, so the end sounds a little gnostic, but the beginning sounds like the synoptics, with the exception of "
as I do." So I got thinking, how does Jesus hate his mother? Well, the road he's on will deprive her of a son. To those who love him, Jesus is going about hateful things. This makes sense in the context of taking up our cross. Unless we love him more than our families, who will hurt at our death, or our own lives, which we count as lost, we cannot follow in his footsteps.