Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Living out the word. (Proper A4)

I only caught the end of Insight for Living tonight as I drove home. At the end of his sermon, "What every worshiper should know," Chuck Swindol prayed that we would know truely the changing power of the word in our lives.

It impacted me to tears to think about the significance and power of the word to change our lives. How can we make more than a ritual responce to the word, more than lip sevice to our commitment to the truth in its pages? How can our preaching the word last the week, Sun, Mon, everyday?

Selah. Lets mediate on that.

What encompasses the word to your mind? Is it summed up in the ten commandments? Is it the Bible? Is it the person of Christ? Is it the speaking voice of God echoing down through eternity, creating the universe, recreating our lives, sharp and swift as a double edged sword?

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