Monday, November 20, 2006

Stewardship series evaluation

Year B – Proper 22-28

This was a challenging series for the disciple we were continually faced with giving up our whole lives to enter the kingdom of God. Yesterday having finished this series, I felt glad it was over. I felt like the Holy Spirit was putting his finger on people’s hearts. In response to the conviction and challenge they were feeling relationships became strained between some of the members and their pastor. That’s why the pulpit is nothing to covet. If you can do anything else do it. If you are obedient to God and faithfully preach his word, there will come a time when you are not popular. Yet I rejoice if that strain in relationship means they were beginning to get it.

This was a great series for discipleship, but I could have done a better job on stewardship what the readings didn’t lend themselves to (or I didn’t figure out well enough) was doing practical how-to sermons showing not only the importance of stewardship but how to make it part of our lives. Perhaps the fall of another year would have a better sense for that. I’ll have to take a look. Once every three years wouldn’t be bad – if its there.

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