Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Theophany that trancends time


In most holy contemplation we shall ever be filled with the sight of God shining gloriously around us at once it shone for the disciples at the divine transfiguration. And there we shall be, our minds away from passion and from earth, and we shall have a conceptual gift of light from him, and somehow, in a way we cannot know, we shall be united with him and, our understanding carried away, blessedly happy, we shall be struck by his blazing light. Marvelously our minds will be like those in the heavens above.

The Divine Names I.

I wonder too if this event transcends time. Perhaps it is precisely at the moment of the cloud enveloping Moses at Sinai that he knows the presence of Christ in the theophany. Perhaps it is at the moment that Elijah experiences the presence of Christ not in the earthquake or wind, but in the still small whisper. Perhaps as Pseudo-Dionysius says we too are on that mount as we are taken into the rapture of the Shekinah. It is remarkable that in their own theophanies, Moses and Elijah are outside the cloud. This time the cloud envelops them with Christ. O! How I long for the day when I shall truly be in that cloud!

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