Sunday, July 22, 2012

Come Away With Me (Mark 6:30-34 Narrative)

The hot dust clung to disciples’ feet as they began to return this hot day, the dust of the trail following in their wake. They were tired and hot and sore and hungry, but they smiled when two by two the met one another as they approached the seaside. They could see down the hill a long way. Began to feel the breeze tempered by the great lake. They could see the mass of people clustered in a spot by the shore and knew that is where Jesus must be.

Weeks ago he had sent them off in pairs to preach the messaged of the kingdom. Now they returned. They began to gather around Jesus and tell their stories. Bartholomew and Matthew told of healings. Thomas and Judas spoke of the warmth of the hospitality they had received. James and Thaddeus told how people hungrily accepted the good news about The Kingdom. Phillip and Peter told how even the demons had to obey them and flea! The Kingdom of Heaven was advancing and the kingdom of darkness was retreating!

All this time John and Andrew sat silent and downcast. Jesus lifted his gaze to theirs and gave an encouraging nod to draw out from them the words that filled their souls. “The Baptizer is dead.” They had been disciples of John the Baptist. He had pointed Jesus out to them. On their travels they heard the news from some of the other followers of John. He had been beheaded by Herod.

This revelation brought the chatter to an end. All sat stunned and saddened, but they were not in silence. The crowd was always around them and in this time of quiet the disciples were drowned in their cries. People had been steadily interrupting their stories to receive a healing touch or a blessing from the Master. The cries of the sick and hungry had turned to celebration and rejoicing, but the noise continued. They heard a group reciting their evening prayers, singing the song of Ethan the Ezrahite:

89:1I will sing of your steadfast love, O Lord, forever; with my mouth I will proclaim your faithfulness to all generations.
89:2I declare that your steadfast love is established forever; your faithfulness is as firm as the heavens.
89:3You said, “I have made a covenant with my chosen one, I have sworn to my servant David:
89:4‘I will establish your descendants forever, and build your throne for all generations.’”

There was a pause and the disciples knew that the singers had come to the unspoken word: “Selah”
They thought about the promise God had made to David to build for him a house. John the Baptist had been of that house as had Jesus. Where was the throne established for all generations? Where was the promise of God?

Their stunned silence gave way to anger and mourning. They were exhausted from travel and ministry; they were shocked and drained from the emotion of mourning. The crowd kept coming and going, with their needs and excitement and transformed lives. The disciples didn’t even get a chance to eat. They had reached the limits both physically and emotionally. They were too exhausted to sleep, and they didn’t even realize that was the case. Peter and James talked about going fishing to cure the hunger. They wanted to keep going not noticing the way the snapped at each other or how annoyed they were with the people who came to Jesus for healing. They were irritable, worn thin, and needy themselves, but unable to see it.
Again the Prayers of the near by worshippers reached their ears, continuing their psalm.

89:11The heavens are yours, the earth also is yours; the world and all that is in it—you have founded them.
89:12The north and the south—you created them; Tabor and Hermon joyously praise your name.
89:13You have a mighty arm; strong is your hand, high your right hand.
89:14Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before you.
89:15Happy are the people who know the festal shout, who walk, O Lord, in the light of your countenance;
89:16they exult in your name all day long, and extol your righteousness.
89:17For you are the glory of their strength; by your favor our horn is exalted.

Jesus motioned for them to get up and in the gathering dark they moved closer to the seaside. The made their way past the worshippers praying:

89:34 I will not violate my covenant, or alter the word that went forth from my lips.
89:35 Once and for all I have sworn by my holiness; I will not lie to David.
89:36 His line shall continue forever, and his throne endure before me like the sun.
89:37 It shall be established forever like the moon, an enduring witness in the skies." Selah

Again Selah. And Jesus stood there in the silence lifting his face to the sea breeze, reveling in the Selah. Jesus knew what it was to have a renewing rhythm to life.

He was with the Father as the created the heavens and the earth. The Godhead fully participated in rest from the creative act. From the beginning God built the rhythm of night, Sabbath and jubilee right into creation for our sake. Jesus was famous for going off by himself to some lonely place to pray, his own rhythm of communing with the Father continued from ages past. Jesus paused and let the Selah be a clue to the disciples as to their need for rest and renewal.

How many times did he call them to be at peace? To have faith and trust that God was true to God’s word and would care for them even better than the sparrows and lilies? The silence reminded them.
Then he said to them the word that was for that moment for them the good news of the Gospel. Come away with me by yourselves to a lonely place and get some rest. They got in the boat and shoved off into the Sea of Galilee. They made for a deserted spot around the bend of the shoreline. As they did they all leaned back, some propped against the side of the boat, others leaning on the one beside them. Peter leisurely held the tiller and let the breeze carry them along.

Some of the crowd noticed the group of disciples quietly slip away with Jesus. The watched from the shoreline, keeping tabs on where the boat was headed. The word spread and when the boat made land there was a vast crowd, bigger than the night before. There were many people who needed healing. People who were broken and oppressed. People who need a touch of Christ.

The disciples stepped from the boat invigorated by having spent the night with Jesus on the water. They were ready to feel again, to have compassion on the souls so loved by God that surrounded them.