Monday, May 28, 2007

Letio continua, continua and continua

A colluege of mine from a church for whom the RCL is no strange thing, expressed disatisfaction with it because he wanted to preach straight through books (I assume of the Bible, but since he follows Schuller , who knows.) His dissatisfaction stunned me. We are entering ordinary time and everything is Lectio Continua. My biggest struggle is which route to preach.

Do I preach through the shorter Epistles? Do I do the Prophets? Do I go for the long haul and preach straight through Luke to the end of the year? Three years ago I think I started in the Epistles and jumped over to do a series in Jeremiah (That is when I started this blog). So this time I guess I ought to buckle down and preach the gospel. That should make my Lutheran friends happy since that is all they preach.

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