Tuesday, December 28, 2004

He chose me to show the father (Christmas A2)

He has revealed his word to Jacob,
his laws and decrees to Israel.
He has done this for no other nation;
they do not know his laws.

God revealed himself to one nation, his own people for ages. The Word of Grace came through the House of Israel with a promise to be for all nations.

This week we see more fully the self-revelation of God. God reveals himself to Israel through Moses and the law. His covenant to his people was strong and binding. Even from punishment, he would bring a remnant back. His choice was sure and unrelenting. Israel would reveal God to the world through his interaction with them. The Word was with them.

The Word was in the beginning creating all things. Just as the law came through Moses, grace and truth come from the Word. The Word has not changed, but revelation of the supernatural to the natural eye is no easy thing and the world didn't recognize him. To those who caught the revelation, he gave the right to be called children of God, not thanks to Abrahamic lineage, but by supernatural birth.

In him we become the Elect, those to whom he reveals himself. He has again chosen. His choice is sure an unrelenting.

I can do no justice to the beautiful Christology of John and Paul. Ah, beautiful savior who has been in the beginning is now and will be forever, world without end, thank you for revealing yourself to me.